Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Drum Roll Please!

Chaotic Good Online: Episode One is live!

Chaotic Good Online: Episode One from Chaotic Good Online on Vimeo.


  1. This is really great. Please keep making more of these. Absolutely superb!

  2. To be honest with you it wasn't quite funny enough. I really appreciate this type of thing and I thought it was a good video, but if you're wanting it to gain publicity and be great like collegehumor.com or something, I feel that you need to punch it up a notch. Some of the dialogue felt a bit forced and even having played some D & D in my day, some of it was too inside to be funny on a general scale. Again, not sure what your aim is, just some advice from an outside perspective. Great show though! I loved it.

  3. I think you'll enjoy the next few episodes better then, Dew. Thanks for the comments, and we're definitely headed a bit more in that direction with our first story arc.

  4. Great! What a good introduction. While some people might not have been happy about the level of comedy, I felt the level was very well balanced with introducing the characters, their roles in the show, and their relationships with each other. You have to lay that kind of groundwork in order to get your audience invested so they'll keep returning for more. That's puts your video on a completely different level than any of the crap they post on college humor. Your video is dynamic and not just a bunch of beer/sex/facebook jokes.

  5. Can you guys add a RSS feed on your site ? It would help attract more loyal followers !

  6. Man, I'm craving more! When will the next episode be released?


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