Thursday, January 6, 2011


Hark, there is a new post on And what ho? It bears good news? Huzzah! alright, that's all the old-english (and capitalization) i can muster, but i figured we're at a good time to officially announce our new project, LESS THAN HEROIC. it's coming along really well, and i can say that it is what cgo was becoming. it takes cgo's fun attitude, adds in snippier dialog, bigger characters, and a grander scheme. we've teamed up with and SAM PROOF to make this project the alpha-omega of DnD webseries. it will radiate awesome while still being cool enough that you don't have to minimize it when your girlfriend walks into the room. so be ready, because your imaginary DnD world is about to get f*!#ing rocked.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

saving throw (fail)

sorry about the delay guys, i was in the hospital with a fun little tonsillar abscess. that pushed back my drawing, which has pushed back the episodes. luckily, i'm feeling much better now, and got Jason the art last night. that's all he's been waiting on, so i'm sure the episodes will be all over your screens soon. welcome to 2010!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Photos and Art!

Well, as Essiem says, we shot Episodes 4 & 5 in tandem, just like Lord of the Rings! Seems like we're moving on up in the world. Next stop, Peter Jackson :P The holiday season was good to us--I've already seen some of the footage Jason's been working on, and I'm so excited! I HAVE to get an "in realm" character--it's just too much fun! Essiem is doing the "in realm" artwork (you'll see that when you see the episodes--no sneak peeks!), and Sam Proof took some great on-set stills so check them out here!
I know you're all getting impatient, but trust me, it will be worth the wait!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Something is Horribly Wrong Here...

A little comic from an occurrence in our game yesterday.

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